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Will the Health Care Debacle Affect Comprehensive Immigration Reform?

The less-than-stellar implementation of the Affordable Care Act, often referred to as “Obamacare” is moving some analysts to question if the President still has enough political momentum to effectively support the ongoing comprehensive immigration reform efforts in Congress.

There is no doubt that the current administration has run into some setbacks that have not made the White House too popular in the eyes of Americans; to wit: The NSA spying scandal, the October federal government shutdown and the numerous glitches of the online Health Insurance Marketplace have all transpired in the midst of the legislative debate over immigration reform, which President Obama has shown strong support for. Would this important piece of legislation suffer due to the major setbacks experienced by the White House in 2013?

What has happened to the immigration debate in recent months transcends the political-charged atmosphere in Congress. The diversity of special interest groups in support of immigration reform proves that Americans are ready for positive change in this regard. This is no longer a pet project of the White House or a platform for political grandstanding. Here are recent examples of concerned Americans who want to see immigration reform passed and enacted as soon as possible:

  • The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce recently published a 60-page report that outlines their support for reform based on their findings about the contributions of working immigrants to the state and national economy.
  • Several Faith-based organizations and evangelical leaders have traveled to the District of Columbia to express their support of common-sense immigration reform that strengthens family life.
  • The White House Advisor on Violence Against Women has explained that immigrant women are more likely to shy away from reporting abuse for fear that they will attract attention from law enforcement and eventually be deported.
  • The Executive Director of the National Immigrant Justice Center recently reminded the White House that they have the power to promote prosecutorial discretion when it comes to handling deportations.

The above-cited actions show that Americans have several reasons to support immigration reform. The poor debut of the Affordable Care Act and the other issues that have taken favorable public opinion away from President Obama and the White House should not be a cause for concern with regard to immigration reform. As more special interest groups voice their support for this important legislation, politics will matter less and common-sense policy will guide Congress to do what is good for the people of the United States.

For more information about the current immigration reform, contact Kazmi and Sakata immigration law firm in San Diego. Whether you need assistance with applications, visas or any other immigration based paperwork, we can help guide you through the entire process. Call us at 858-874-0711 for a free consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

January 2025