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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Am I Allowed to Live in the U.S. if I Buy a Home Here?

In the years leading up to the coronavirus pandemic, real estate news outlets around the world reported on the trend of “one euro” homes being sold in sleepy towns around Italy to foreign buyers. Although a single euro was the listed price, the reality of property taxes, real estate fees, and renovations brought the costs …Read More

Can You Move to the United States if You’re Unemployed?

Despite all the challenges the United States has endured during the coronavirus pandemic, the country has managed to retain its status as the favorite destination for immigrants from around the world. Prior to the pandemic, the Department of Homeland Security tallied nearly 50 million immigrants within U.S. borders. This is a figure comparable to the …Read More

How Difficult Is It for U.S. Immigrants to Find Employment?

The United States is home to one of the most robust and dynamic job marketplaces in the world, and this is an economic reality that attracts many immigrants. Despite the existence of a highly competitive job market, the sheer size of economic activity in the U.S. makes it possible for millions of immigrants to participate. …Read More

Immigrants & Their Effect on the U.S. Workforce

A couple of months into the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, United States President Donald Trump stated he had a plan to ensure Americans who lost their jobs would be first in line when trying to get them back. The plan involved closing down the borders and limiting immigration as much as possible. As can be …Read More

Immigrants & Their Contribution to the U.S. Postal Service

The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 was declared at a time when the two main candidates to serve as the next president of the United States were preparing to step up their respective campaigns. Many analysts expected the pandemic would become a hot-button political issue, but then attention turned to the actual mechanisms of casting votes …Read More

Civil Rights for Immigrants in the U.S.

In the history of the United States, the Founding Fathers were a group of immigrants who laid out important documents to assert their rights as citizens of a new nation. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and statutes at the federal and state levels establish the rights of all people, …Read More

5 Ways to Prevent Being Deported from the United States

Just days after United States President Donald Trump declared a state of national emergency to contain the spread of COVID-19, the issue of deportations and removal orders came up. Government officials in Guatemala exercised sovereignty to block the arrival of individuals being deported from the U.S. This decision was made out of genuine concern over …Read More

Can Immigrants with Expired EADs Continue to Work?

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) can be described as a federal agency with a monumental task at hand. Managing millions of foreign applicants who wish to reside in the U.S. for various reasons requires a complex system that must run on certain bureaucratic actions to comply with laws and regulations whose intent may …Read More

How Long Does an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Last in the U.S.?

When foreigners decide to work, study, or do business in the United States for an extended period or when they decide to become immigrants and pursue legal residency, it doesn’t take long for them to realize this is a country of extensive identity verification and documentation. American immigration laws beget rules, and many of these …Read More

Tips for Writing a Letter of Appreciation to Your Immigration Attorney

If your immigration law firm was able to help you with a delicate matter, chances are you want to show your appreciation. By virtue of their chosen field of practice, immigration attorneys know about the difficulties their clients face, particularly in cases related to asylum, deportation, detention, and family-based immigration. San Diego immigration lawyers derive …Read More

February 2025