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Visa Post Waiting Times

Visit this link to the official U.S. Department of State website for more information regarding Visa processing times at every U.S. Consulate or Embassy.

Processing Times

Visit this link to the official U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services’ processing times for most immigration cases processed at the C.I.S. Service Centers and Local District Offices.”

Visa Bulletin

Visit this link to the official U.S. Department of State’s monthly Immigrant Visa availability bulletin.

U.S. C.I.S.

The official U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services’ website


The official U.S. Department of State’s website

California Secretary of State

The official California Secretary of State’s website, containing information regarding California Corporations, LLCs, Partnerships and Sole Proprietors.

U.S. Department of Labor

The official U.S. Department of Labor’s website containing information on hiring foreign workers, online wage library, Labor Condition information, and much more.

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