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U.S. Embassy in Yemen Suspends Visa Services

Due to the current political and security situation in Yemen in June and July of 2011, the Department of State has ordered all eligible family members of U.S. government employees as well as certain non‐emergency personnel to depart Yemen. Due to the fluid security situation in Sana’a, the Consular Section will only be able to provide emergency American citizen services. Therefore, U.S. Embassy Sana’a has suspended immigrant visa services until further noticeas all consular staff members are currently providing emergency American citizen services.

The Embassy will not interview or process any requests for immigrant visa services at this time. This includes, but is not limited to: immediate relative and family preference visas, returning resident visas (SB‐1), asylee/refugee visas, Diversity Visas, widow visas, or replacement green cards or travel letters. If you have a visa interview appointment scheduled, you should have been notified that the appointment is cancelled and will be rescheduled when visa services resume.

Information on which U.S. embassies and consulates process immigrant visas is available at Immigrant visa fees which have been paid to the U.S. Embassy in Sana’a or to the National Visa Center in the United States are valid for visa processing at another U.S.embassy or consulate.

The State Department has warned,
“If you determine that the security situation in Yemen warrants the immediate departure of your family members, please explore alternate safe havens overseas -including nearby countries for which your family members have visas or that do not require visas for non – U.S. citizens – and consider arranging for their departure from Yemen via available commercial means.”




The Embassy regrets the difficulties this temporary suspension causes for persons wishing to immigrate to the United States and will commence visa operations gradually as circumstances permit.

January 2025