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President Obama Announces Executive Action on Immigration

As a result of Congress failing to pass the hotly-debated comprehensive immigration reform legislative proposal, President Barack Obama plans to address the nation during prime time to announce a series of immigration measures that aim to mend what the White House refers to as “our broken immigration system.”

After his prime time televised announcement, President Obama will travel to a high school in Las Vegas to offer further details about this major executive action. Analysts are expecting this explanation to be highly political since the President has given Republicans in Congress plenty of time to iron out their differences on the issue of immigration reform. It is important to remember that this executive action was supposed to take place in September, but President Obama decided to give politics and democracy a chance by waiting until after the November midterm elections were completed.

On the night preceding his scheduled announcement, President Obama will meet with more than a dozen members of the Democratic Congress to discuss what they should expect. It is widely believed that one of the most politically-charged points of this executive action will be an immediate halt to deportations of undocumented immigrant parents whose children are citizens of the United States. Since these parents would be allowed to remain in the United States, they will have to be given the right to legal employment, which would mean work permits as well as identification documents.

Heated debate was heard in Congress on Wednesday, with Republicans loudly complaining about what they consider to be an affront of the law by President Obama. As expected, Democrats defended the President, but some key Republicans are vowing to fight the implementation of this executive action, which they have labeled as being “unilateral.”

In the past, President Obama has been lauded for his supportive stance on the DREAM Act to impede the deportation of immigrants who were children when they came to the U.S., but he has also been taken to task for the numerous deportations that have taken place during his administration. Should the President’s executive action be successfully implemented, more than three million undocumented immigrants will have a chance to live dignified lives without fear of deportation.

For more information about how the executive action on immigration may affect your situation or to speak with a professional immigration attorney in San Diego, reach out to Kazmi and Sakata immigration law firm. We offer complimentary immigration consultations and would b more than happy to answer any of your questions. Call 858-874-0711.

January 2025