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How to Renew an Expired Green Card

If you are a permanent resident of the United States, it is important to make sure that your green card is renewed as required. Failure to renew your green card does not cause you to lose your status as a resident, but it could make getting a job or re-entering the United States difficult. If you obtained your green card after 1989, you are required to renew it every ten years according to the renewal date imprinted on the front of the card. Cards issued before 1989 are not currently required to be renewed. You may renew your green card up to six months before its expiration date; however, be advised it may take up to 12 months before you receive your new card. You can receive temporary proof of status by renewing your application in person at your nearest United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) District or Sub Office. There are several instances where you may need to renew your card before the required date, including: • Your card has been damaged, lost or stolen • You have reached the age of 14 • Your information has changed since your last renewal • You commute between countries How to Renew Your Green Card You will need to file form USCIS I-90 in order to renew your green card. This form may be obtained from the USCIS website or you may request to have one mailed to you by calling 1-800-870-3676. If you are eligible, you may be able to file the I-90 form and pay your renewal fee over the Internet. The cost to renew your green card is $450. This includes a $365 filing fee and an $85 biometric service fee. You may also choose to mail your form, along with your $450 filing fee to: USCIS Box 21262 Phoenix, AZ 85036 Be advised that you will need to eventually appear at an USCIS to complete the renewal process when you renew by mail. What if Your Green Card is Conditional? If your permanent residential status has been granted because you have married a legal citizen or permanent resident, your green card is considered to be conditional. This means it is only good for two years and is non-renewable. In order to remove the conditional status, you will be required to prove that this marriage was not one of convenience in order evade immigration laws. To convert your conditional status to permanent resident status, you will need to file form USCIS I-751 jointly with your spouse to petition for the removal of conditions. There may be instances where you may run into problems with converting your conditional status into permanent resident status or if your green card renewal application is denied. If this is the case, you may require the services of an immigration law attorney in San Diego to assist you with an appeal or a motion to reconsider your application. For more information or for a free, immigration consultation, reach out to Kazmi and Sakata immigration law firm at 858-874-0711.

January 2025