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Immigration Issues the U.S. President Will Face in the Near Future

Violent extremism, a divided constituency, a national economy in tatters, and a pandemic that seems to keep getting worse are just some of the problems President Joe Biden faces in his first days and months in office. Many of the issues his administration faces will require a certain level of undoing. For example, executive orders signed by former President Donald Trump can be amended or eliminated through fairly simple mechanisms. More challenging problems will need to be handled through intricate repair processes, and this is definitely the case with the American immigration system.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Prior to Trump taking office in 2017, the U.S. immigration system was already a mess, but he managed to make things even worse through disastrous policies that ended up being challenged in federal court and dividing the country. It should be noted that Trump inherited a broken immigration system because Congress was never able to agree on comprehensive immigration reform (CIR), a policy concept underlying the proposed Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, which didn’t pass despite having originated from a bipartisan Senate group. President Biden has somewhat of an edge in this regard because the Democratic Party enjoys a majority in the House of Representatives as well as in the Senate. Passing and implementing CIR, which is sorely needed, could be done in about two or three years, and all he has to do is support it.

Immediate Challenges

While CIR is debated and figured out in Congress, the White House will face immediate challenges such as controlling the flow of immigration at the southern border with Mexico, which slowed down considerably during the Trump administration because of draconian policies and the uncontrolled spread of COVID-19. Biden has already stated that the quixotic border wall project will be suspended indefinitely, and this will likely prompt the return of massive migrant caravans forming in Central America and cutting across Mexico to arrive in the U.S. The new administration will probably be pressured by Mexico to do something about the asylum applicants who have been stranded for months on their side of the border, and this will require a reorganization of the court system that reviews these petitions.

Visa Application Backlogs

An orderly return to visa issuance is another immigration problem the Biden administration will have to deal with. The backlog of visa applications at Citizenship and Immigration Services offices in the U.S. and at embassies abroad has grown to significant proportions over the last couple of years. Retaking and expediting application reviews will need more than just strategizing. It will require funding authorized through budgetary allocation or executive appropriation.

As for Trump’s so-called “deportation force,” it will need to be disbanded so immigration courts can seek relief from overburdened dockets. There are many other immigration issues the Biden administration will face, and this means foreigners who seek to visit, do business, work, or reside in the U.S. should stay in touch with their immigration lawyers in San Diego and elsewhere around the country to stay updated about changes.

In this turbulent political environment, hiring a highly qualified immigration attorney is one of the best ways to make the immigration process less complicated and stressful. When they need reliable, high-quality legal advice about any aspect of immigration, including dealing with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, San Diego residents should reach out to the immigration law experts at KS Visa Law. To schedule an appointment, call us today at 858-874-0711.

January 2025