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Category Archives: Citizenship

Fastest Routes to U.S. Citizenship

In May 2024, the United States Air Force reported that more than a thousand enlisted members have become naturalized citizens after graduating from Basic Military Training (BMT) at Joint Base San Antonio in Texas. Foreigners can enlist in the military as conditional residents, provided they’re already lawful residents. They cannot apply if they’re on a …Read More

U.S. Naturalization Process Gets Social Security Card Integration

Starting in April 2024, permanent residents of the United States who meet the requirements and criteria to become American citizens can simultaneously update their status with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and get a new or replacement card if needed. According to a news alert published by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), this development …Read More

How Long Do You Have to Be Married to Keep U.S. Citizenship?

In general, one of the most straightforward methods of immigrating to the United States involves getting married to an American citizen. If everything falls into place in terms of submitting immigration forms, getting timely interviews, and enjoying optimal processing times, a foreign fiancé or fiancée could apply for citizenship through the naturalization process in just …Read More

What Number of Questions Are Immigrants Required to Answer?

Answering questions is something immigrants to the United States get used to as they go through the process of gaining legal status and accessing benefits such as residency and naturalization. Visa applications and petitions filed with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services are basically long questionnaires. By the time immigrants petition for naturalization to become American …Read More

Birthright Citizenship Explained

Days before Election Day 2020 in the United States, former President Donald Trump was grasping at straws as he faced a likely defeat at the polls. With little else to lose, Trump tried to revive a contentious political matter he believed would appeal to undecided voters, thus bolstering his chances of serving a second term. …Read More

Can I Buy My Way into Being a U.S. Citizen?

Citizenship by investment is a concept that dates back a few centuries, but its legal codification, oversight, and marketing aspects first became prevalent in the 20th century. In essence, a foreigner who makes an extraordinary or even significant economic contribution to another country may be able to seek citizenship by investment if the jurisdiction offers …Read More

Can I Change My Name When I Apply to Be a U.S. Citizen?

Many immigrants decide to change their names upon becoming naturalized citizens of the United States. The reasons for doing so are numerous: in many cases, traditional names in other languages don’t always translate well into English, or perhaps a Latin American woman has decided to follow common law and take her husband’s name. It so …Read More

Steps to Becoming a U.S. Citizen Through Marriage

Of all the various ways immigrants can become legal residents and naturalized citizens of the United States, marrying an American citizen or a permanent legal resident is often considered to be the most straightforward. The best-case scenario involves an American citizen who meets his or her future spouse abroad and gets married in the U.S. …Read More

The Importance of Preserving Birthright Citizenship in the United States

In late October, United States President Donald Trump granted an interview to Axios, an online news outlet that also films segments for the cable television network HBO. In that interview, the President made a bold claim related to birthright citizenship, a legal principle known in Latin as jus soli. In essence, jus soli is established …Read More

How Long Is the Process of Becoming an American Citizen?

Naturalization is the highest benefit awarded by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Foreigners who wish to receive this benefit normally have to wait a minimum of three to five years as U.S. residents before they’re eligible to become American citizens, and in some cases less than a year if they served in …Read More

February 2025