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6 Difficulties Immigrants Encounter When They Enter the United States

Even though the coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has resulted in a significant reduction in immigration to the United States, it’s safe to assume things will get back to normal at some point, which means individuals and families from around the world will once again seek opportunities in a country where greatness has been achieved through important contributions made by generations of immigrants. When thinking about the American way of life, opportunities will always come to mind, but pursuing them can be difficult because of the various challenges immigrants are sure to face when they get here. Here are six challenges foreigners could encounter when entering the United States, brought to you by KS Visa Law, trusted immigration lawyers in San Diego, CA.

1. Determination of Inadmissibility at the Port of Entry

Anyone is bound to experience a difficult time when entering the U.S. Even American citizens carrying U.S. passports may be subject to secondary inspections at borders, airports, or seaports, but at least the Constitution grants them the right to be admitted at some point. Foreigners can be deemed inadmissible on various grounds even after being issued visas. Let’s say a student from Hong Kong explains, after her visa has been approved, that she was briefly engaged as a sex worker in the Amsterdam Red Light District. In this case, inadmissibility could be invoked, but there may also be a chance to file for a waiver.

2. Culture Shock

This is likely to happen to anyone, and a lot of the shock can be blamed on the inaccurate portrayal of American life by the Hollywood film and television industry. Having an open mind is crucial in terms of minimizing culture shock.

3. Language Barrier

This challenge isn’t as insurmountable as many people think. For example, in regions such as Los Angeles, you’ll find immigrant communities where Spanish is more widely spoken than English because of the various Mexican, Central American, South American, and Caribbean enclaves. Everyone must learn English at some point, but you won’t have problems in terms of finding educational opportunities.

4. Transportation

This was a greater problem before personal transportation services such as Uber came on the scene. Foreigners who are used to efficient public transportation systems abroad are often surprised to learn many areas of the United States are lacking in this regard.

5. Navigating the U.S. Immigration System

Before 2017, the American immigration system was in dire need of reform. During the Trump administration, this need has become desperate because of policies that have made a thorough mess of the system. Reform is inevitable, but it may take years. In the meantime, foreigners should strongly consider retaining immigration law firms to help them navigate the murky waters of this broken system.

6. Adjusting to the Job Market

Even though the American economy is one of the most dynamic in the world, the labor market has some peculiarities many foreigners have found puzzling. Transferring educational credits and certifications isn’t an easy process. In fact, many immigrants end up switching careers altogether. One advantage of the U.S. job market is that even when unemployment levels are high, immigrants are often able to find work as long as they’re willing to be flexible. It’s even easier if immigrants have the benefit of employer-sponsored petitions. San Diego immigrants who need advice about legally working in the United States should seek the counsel of experienced immigration attorneys. 

Hiring a highly qualified immigration attorney is one of the best ways to make the immigration process less complicated and stressful. If you need reliable, high-quality legal advice about San Diego immigration issues, reach out to the immigration law experts at KS Visa Law. To schedule an appointment, call us today at 858-874-0711.

January 2025