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How Can Hiring an Immigration Attorney Speed Up the Process?

Every time American lawmakers bring up the topic of immigration reform, they invariably mention processing backlogs as one of the items that are long overdue for improvement. The closest the United States Senate has gotten to advancing comprehensive immigration reform was during the administration of former President Barack Obama. Since then, the focus has shifted to fixing specific issues that need immediate attention, which is at the heart of the Resolving Extended Limbo for Immigrant Employees and Families (RELIEF) Act currently being debated in the House of Representatives.

With a combined green card and employment permit backlog of 4.1 million cases as of November 2021, there’s no question that legislation such as RELIEF is sorely needed. As can be imagined, the coronavirus pandemic exacerbated this accumulation of pending cases, but the reality of the American immigration system is that these delays date back to the late 20th century, and they’re caused by multiple systemic issues as well as bottlenecks that only legislative mandates can solve at this point.

Another reality impacting the backlog is related to the choices applicants make and the actions they take when they seek visas and other immigration benefits. While there isn’t much applicants can do in terms of trying to solve issues at the administrative levels of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, there are various situations in which attorneys, including immigration lawyers in San Diego, CA, can speed up the process.

Filing Accurate Applications & Petitions

Making mistakes on immigration forms is something that happens to many foreigners, and such errors invariably result in unnecessary delays that can be avoided. Immigration law firms take pride in submitting accurate paperwork in a timely manner and with the proper supporting documents.

Staying Abreast of New Programs & Rule Changes

From time to time, USCIS and other agencies will introduce measures intended to address their immigration processing backlogs. In other cases, new programs such as Temporary Protected Status are suddenly rolled out. A recent example applies to Ukrainian immigrants because of the invasion of their country by Russian forces. Foreigners who can benefit from these measures and programs aren’t informed directly. Most of them find out through their immigration lawyers.

Making Requests for Premium Processing Services

Since 2001, USCIS has offered premium processing of petitions filed for the non-immigrant and foreign workers who seek benefits under Forms I-129 and I-140. The visa category in these cases is EB-3, and it requires the filing of Form I-907 plus additional fees. From time to time, premium processing services are suspended, but they’ve remained available since they were reinstated in 2019.

Trying Out Other Strategies

When it comes to obtaining immigration benefits, there isn’t a single path for all applicants. Immigration law firms evaluate all cases to check if there are factors that would merit trying out different strategies. One example would be an H-1B visa holder interested in adjustment of status without having to return to his or her country to apply for a green card. 

If you have questions about immigration services in San Diego and how you can speed up the process, contact the premier immigration attorneys at KS Visa Law. We have vast experience with every aspect of immigration law, and we’re the attorneys to call on when you need the most up-to-date information about immigration regulations. Call KS Visa Law today at 858-874-0711 to schedule an appointment.

January 2025