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Top 6 Reasons Visas Get Denied

According to a 2013 report issued by the travel section of the Department of State, the rejection rate of B-visas, which are of a non-immigrant category, was higher than 60 percent for countries such as Afghanistan and Cuba. You may think that such visa refusal rates are related to conflict between the U.S. and those two nations. However, that is not always the case. In 2013, the U.S. visa denial rate for Canada was 43.1 percent, and even the peaceful Republic of Costa Rica, a country without an army, was denied visas at a rate of 13.7 percent.

Why are these denial rates so high? Here are the top six reasons:

1. It’s the Law

The Immigration and Naturalization Act has a section that explicitly presumes that the entire world wants to move to the U.S. permanently. It is up to visa applicants to clearly demonstrate that this is not the case.

2. Insufficient Funds

Proof of financial solvency is one of the most important factors that must be shown in a B-visa application. Depending on the visa, the financial statement may need to reflect liquid assets or investments. For example, a student visa application will look better if it includes proof of a savings account with a balance that will cover tuition, books, and living expenses.

3. Personal Attitude and Behavior

Rejections often happen at consulates abroad because the interviewing officer did not feel comfortable with the applicant. Respect is an important aspect of the visa request process. And, not surprisingly, social media has started playing a role in the immigration process and is being used to gain insight into an applicant’s personal life.

4. Fraudulent Intent

Seasoned U.S. officials will know when a visa applicant is providing false information. Making a mistake on an application is not the same as lying to an official during an interview. Depending on the severity of the fraud, willful misrepresentation could possibly result in a permanent denial.

5. Incomplete Applications

This is one of the most common reasons for visa denials. Establishing eligibility for any visa category will depend on your ability to provide complete and accurate information. If you have doubts about your visa application, ask a local immigration attorney in San Diego to review it.

6. Criminal Record

U.S. immigration law mentions moral turpitude as a potential reason for denial. This usually refers to criminal offenses, but it is a bit cloudy. If your request is denied on the basis of moral turpitude, an immigration attorney may be able to help you overcome this issue.

For more information or help filing a visa application, reach out to Kazmi & Sakata in San Diego. We can help you apply for a student visa, business visa, or any number of other visas. Call us today at (858) 874-0711 and ask about a free immigration consultation.

January 2025