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Violent Attacks Against Refugees on the Rise in Germany

In early September, as Germany and its immigration law firms were preparing to receive a massive influx of refugees from Syria and other regions in the Middle East and Northern Africa, police officers in certain municipalities have been dealing with a surge of violent protests from xenophobic groups.

News reports from Heidenau, a municipality near the major city of Dresden, highlight the dangers of intolerance. This town, which is located near the borders of Poland and the Czech Republic, has been a hotspot of anti-refugee sentiment ever since the opening of a new shelter a few weeks ago. Right-wing extremists have staged protests near this refugee shelter, and they have been violent to the point of leaving many police officers wounded.

In Heidenau, a visit by Prime Minister Angela Merkel elicited boos from the crowd. The German leader has vowed to crack down on any violence or harassment against refugees, and yet there are reports of arson attacks at other shelters where refugees are too scared to even venture out into the yards. German officials have warned protesters that xenophobic views may not be considered free speech but rather hate rhetoric and could be handled as criminal offenses.

Germany is at the center of the worst refugee crisis to hit Europe since World War II. In Europe and around the world, many people have come to agree that Germany should absorb as many refugees as possible due to its economic position and as a noble gesture in light of all the aid the country received after WWII.

In Germany, refugees must go through the asylum request process, a legal course of action to determine future immigration status. Work permits, travel conditions and benefits are granted by the approval of an asylum request, which in some cases can lead to lawful residency and even naturalization at some point.

President Barack Obama has suggested that the United States should accept 10,000 refugees who have been displaced by ISIS and by the protracted conflict in Syria.

The asylum process in the U.S. tends to be more intricate than in European nations, but there is also a possibility of permanent residency and naturalization down the line.

The United States carefully reviews all asylum requests, particularly from war-torn countries. If you have other questions about seeking asylum or would like help with applications and paperwork, reach out to KS Visa Law in San Diego at (858) 874-0711. We can also help with family immigration and temporary employment immigration requests.

January 2025