Due to the current situation in Syria, the U.S. Embassy in Damascus no longer accept I-130 petitions for immediate relatives of U.S. citizens (which fall into the IR category). Please contact the Immigrant Visa (IV) Unit at Embassy Amman, the designated processing post for Syrian visa cases, at [email protected] to schedule an appointment to submit a petition. I-130 petitions that do not fall into the IR category must be filed with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the United States. There are no exceptions.
US citizen petitioners who are resident in Syria should email [email protected]to make an appointment to file I-130 petitions in Amman for their Syrian relatives overseas.
All I-730 petitions Refugee/Asylee following to joins (Visas 92/93 beneficiaries) have been transferred to Embassy Amman. The USCIS office in Amman will take over these I-730 petitions. If your case was sent to or scheduled for interview at Embassy Damascus, your case has been transferred to the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Jordan. Please contact them at [email protected] for further information. If you are unable to enter Jordan to attend your visa interview and wish to transfer your I-730 petition to another Embassy, you should contact that other Embassy and seek their concurrence on processing your case at their post. If they agree, that Embassy will communicate with Embassy Amman to arrange for the transfer of your I-730 file to their post.
If your visa case was scheduled for interview in Damascus, your visa case has been transferred to the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Jordan for processing. Please contact them at [email protected] for further information.