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What You Should Know About the Immigration Systematic Alien Verification Entitlements (SAVE)

In mid-September 2015, the United States Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS) announced the availability of a new system to verify the status of individuals who apply for certain benefits.

The new system is called Systematic Alien Verification Entitlements (SAVE), and it is part of a U.S. Homeland Security initiative to modernize the process of granting federal benefits and licenses and allows immigrants to check on the status of their applications without having to wait for letters in the mail or spending hours on hold when they call the USCIS service centers.

There are two components to this initiative: SAVE is for government agencies and officials that issue licenses or benefits requested by individuals, and SAVE CaseCheck is for individuals checking on the status of their applications. The goal is to prevent the issuance of a permit, benefit, or license that someone is not qualified to receive, and to document the outcome of the applications. For example, an individual who wishes to join a federal law enforcement agency would have to clear a SAVE check to ensure that he or she meets the minimum residency or citizenship requirements.

An even more common example of using SAVE would be at the driver’s license office, where examiners can look up the status of an applicant to ensure that his or her permanence in the country is compliant with state law and DMV rules. If the immigrant has submitted an application or an adjustment of status request, it may not immediately be reflected on the system and the driver’s license may not be issued.

In the example above, the applicant will no longer be forced to return to the DMV office multiple times and wait for the examiner to look up SAVE. With CaseCheck, applicants can access a system similar to SAVE through a website managed by USCIS using a personal computer. The credentials required are the date of birth and the case number from documents such as the employment authorization card, green card, I-20 foreign student certificate, or the number found on the I-94 stamp on the passport. By using CaseCheck, the driver’s license applicant can wait until his or her status has been updated before returning to the DMV.

For more information or for help filing an immigration application, call (858) 874-0711 and speak with a San Diego immigration lawyer at KS Visa Law. We can offer assistance and advice on a wide range of naturalization and immigration matters.

January 2025